Stay at home alone, took 2 days mc, keep coughing till my heart is pain now. *haiz...* Rained heavily just now, was frighten by those thunder! *coward*
I met teng teng and my sisters last Saturday, lucky my bro lend me the car. *cool* so I can travel here and there easily =D Went shopping at Mid Valley with them and eat eat eat. Wanted to visit ah moon one, but really no enough time. *sorry ya*
At nitgh, elun + bb, Joyce + Daniel, Bredley + Adrian, Regene + (?) forgot the name, went clubing at Poppy. hehe... enjoy enjoy! As usual, this Joyce is ganas, Bredly is "womanly", Regene is pretty, and i'm the shortest!! *sian*
Whenever I go back KL, this bb for sure will make me real ANGRY!! Usually, i will tell him when to call me and wait for me. Ended up, he will make me WAIT and give me tons of reasons... *haiz... SUPER pissed*
Sunday, Jie fu drove my family to KL to attend ehui's convocation. The weather was real HOT, wait for her at KLCC for hours. Almost fainted... kekeke...
Here are some photos to share...
Thoo and Zhi Jun were playing at KLCC near the fountain.
my lovely Jiejie and I, she is "xing fu" lo, having 3 kids and a caring husband. *envy*
hoon hoon, elun & jie jie
Bought flowers for ehui, before giving to her, we caught quite a lot of shot using the flowers. kekeke... make full use of the flowers ma...
wow... see zhi jun so concentrate playing games using bb's handphone.
there you go, finally ehui is out!! 4 flowers of the family...
love this picture! all looks nice =)
my lovely family, love you all!!
big group photo, taken by a gal =D