想报读part time business course,但又怕考试,读书。我一向都很懒惰咯,也不知道自己可不可以应付得来,所以还在挣扎,而且学费也不便宜咯!真的得认真想想!
今天早上,接了一个让我安心的电话,“your case is closed, we are not charging you... blablabla...” 终于可以放下心中的石头,还担心会坐牢,有案底呢!虽然很多人勸我说没事的,但难免会放不下心。
其实事情是这样的。。。离开新加坡去Romania的那一天。临时抱佛脚的我到Centre Point买一些小的日常用品,买着买着,电话响了,就这样和朋友聊了起来。她说Watson有卖小瓶装的洗发露,于是我就从Cold Storage走了出去,手上还握着电话聊个不停。不久就有一个马来人问我拿了什么东西。我才发现原来我的Colgate还没付钱,我马上说“sorry,I forgot to pay, I will pay it now!”,他说“you don't have to explain to me,follow me to the office!”我很生气!但唯有跟着他,FUCK!!在那办公室里,很多人走进走出,把我当贼看,还有一个三八肥婆对我喊!我怎么向他们解释也没用,我说如果我要偷,我不可能拿着东西走出去。一位经理还说“no body will admit when they commit shoplifting! some people even push a troley out of the store, I can not trust you!”我的眼泪就这样流了下来,他们决定报警!他妈的!!!我在那里等了几个小时,就这样被“带”进警察局。我做梦也没想过我会被抓,还被扣上手铐!damn it!!!我还拍了一张照片,mms给bb,害他担心死了!在警局里待了蛮长的一段时间,像犯人一样的被审问。还有,扣留所里好冷,我当天还穿着短裤,真倒霉!最后就被bb给保释出来。我就一路哭到家,觉得好委屈,受尽侮辱!好恨那些人,也狠自己的糊涂!(我把事情的来龙去脉都简化了,要不然写道明天都写不完,因为华语字好难打!:P)在Romania的那一段时间还一直不断的想着事情的经过,这次真的被我的粗心大意害惨了!事情终于到了一个段落,yeah yeah yeah!
还有,下个星期就要到泰国公干了,很荒谬的事情发生了!原因只为了cut cost,我得和一位男生同房,虽然我可以选择不去。但恐怕以后就没有出国的机会了吧?sigh。。。
想报读part time business course,但又怕考试,读书。我一向都很懒惰咯,也不知道自己可不可以应付得来,所以还在挣扎,而且学费也不便宜咯!真的得认真想想!
今天早上,接了一个让我安心的电话,“your case is closed, we are not charging you... blablabla...” 终于可以放下心中的石头,还担心会坐牢,有案底呢!虽然很多人勸我说没事的,但难免会放不下心。
其实事情是这样的。。。离开新加坡去Romania的那一天。临时抱佛脚的我到Centre Point买一些小的日常用品,买着买着,电话响了,就这样和朋友聊了起来。她说Watson有卖小瓶装的洗发露,于是我就从Cold Storage走了出去,手上还握着电话聊个不停。不久就有一个马来人问我拿了什么东西。我才发现原来我的Colgate还没付钱,我马上说“sorry,I forgot to pay, I will pay it now!”,他说“you don't have to explain to me,follow me to the office!”我很生气!但唯有跟着他,FUCK!!在那办公室里,很多人走进走出,把我当贼看,还有一个三八肥婆对我喊!我怎么向他们解释也没用,我说如果我要偷,我不可能拿着东西走出去。一位经理还说“no body will admit when they commit shoplifting! some people even push a troley out of the store, I can not trust you!”我的眼泪就这样流了下来,他们决定报警!他妈的!!!我在那里等了几个小时,就这样被“带”进警察局。我做梦也没想过我会被抓,还被扣上手铐!damn it!!!我还拍了一张照片,mms给bb,害他担心死了!在警局里待了蛮长的一段时间,像犯人一样的被审问。还有,扣留所里好冷,我当天还穿着短裤,真倒霉!最后就被bb给保释出来。我就一路哭到家,觉得好委屈,受尽侮辱!好恨那些人,也狠自己的糊涂!(我把事情的来龙去脉都简化了,要不然写道明天都写不完,因为华语字好难打!:P)在Romania的那一段时间还一直不断的想着事情的经过,这次真的被我的粗心大意害惨了!事情终于到了一个段落,yeah yeah yeah!
还有,下个星期就要到泰国公干了,很荒谬的事情发生了!原因只为了cut cost,我得和一位男生同房,虽然我可以选择不去。但恐怕以后就没有出国的机会了吧?sigh。。。
ooo... so tat's your story... m waiting for your story o all tis while, but doesnt wan to ask u mah if u don wanna tell first, ehhee.... yayayya, its over now!!
they also stupid one la, who wanna just take one colgate leh??!! if really wanna steal thing, take la someting much much more valuable laaaaaa... so bodoh!! n from your illustration, their attitude is really bad, u can actually go n sue them leh!! but ho, i think the fat lady is very bad leh!n the damn manager!! so stupid!
hug hug u ah dear elun, everytin wil b fine after tis ya!:)
eh, how come my 2nd comment is not shown leh...
ok la , write again, ehhee...
m asking u, who is the "lucky guy" .... hahahaa....
aussino is aussino la, last time i pun kena la, trip to penang, i pun one room with a guy, aiiii... not good experience lo, hahhaa, don think ke tepi ok, just tat he kept talking with me, then he snoreeeeeeeeeeee some more... so i m the one cannot sleep at the end of the day lo, poor me, u don laugh la! hehehe
haha... teng teng.. sue them for wat? they said once the products is out of the store without paying is consider shop lifting liao... haiz... such a bloody shame in my life :( but it's finally OVER!! kekeke...
hm.... the guy is who who who? i mean the guy slept with u last time in Penang... hehehe... i never think tepi lo =P
This guy is the guy i went Romania with lo. ya lo, guy n gal always not convenient to stay in a room ma, unless bf gf lo. n also my sleeping style is damn ugly n i sleep talk also!!! haizzzz...
Oh..just read your story. So poor thing.....hm ...no worry, bad things over and good things ahead...:-)
net net, ya loo... it's over liao :D
how's ur life? no update ur blog le...
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